Overhead view of a wooden table with autumn-themed table setting, featuring hands of two people, one slicing a pumpkin pie, another holding a cranberry drink, surrounded by fall leaves and desserts.


  1. Penne Pasta (200 g) 
  2. Butter (200 g)
  3. Dairy Cream (240 g) 
  4. Garlic (crushed, 2 cloves)
  5. Parmesan Cheese (grated, 125 g)
  6. Boneless Chicken Breast (200g)
  7. Seasoning: Oregano & Whole Pepper


  • Cook the chicken with crushed garlic, salt and whole pepper, then slice them into long strips. 

  • Cook the pasta in salted water. While draining, save 1c of water for later use.
  • Meanwhile,  melt butter in a separate pan on low heat. Add dairy cream. Mix well.
  • Once at a sauce-like consistency, add Parmesan cheese and mix until dissolved.
  • Once ready, add chicken strips, pasta and a splash of pasta water.

Toss to evenly coat the ingredients with sauce and mix until the texture is smooth and creamy.  Garnish with herbs and serve hot.

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